"Give ear and come to Me; Hear Me, that your soul may live." Isaiah 55:3
What is soul care?
Simply, connecting to the source of life. Everything in our world shouts for us to advance and perform. We are burdened with anxiety and pressure that pushes all of our focus outward on what we do and what we accomplish. But what about our interior world? Where are we encouraged to care for that which we cannot see? Hideout Ministries seeks to come alongside and remind you of the importance of caring for your own soul. To help you see the need for establishing foundational rhythms which will bring you back to a place of abundant life.
Why do you need a Hideout?
So many are serving around this world running on empty and completely exhausted. Their sacrifice has been great and they need to be encouraged to take care of their own souls. Hideout Ministries exists to care for them which enables them to return to their fields restored and renewed to continue their important work of serving others. This restoration cannot take place unless they are able to get away to a safe place. A place where time and space have been carved out and they can listen to the voice of their Savior.
David had his En-gedi. Elijah, the brook of Cherith. Even Jesus, the Mount of Olives. These are the secret places, the quiet hours, the still waters. These are the places where you can examine your soul and pour out your heart. Where you have freedom and permission to wrestle and to rest.
We provide such a place with intentional time for heart restoration during The Hideout Experience.
The Hideout Experience is a seven day retreat where you will be encouraged to recalibrate and establish the rhythms of living for the health of your soul, that you may experience the life that comes through intimacy with Jesus.
“The Hideout Experience created an atmosphere where we could pursue our much needed process of re-evaluating and re-prioritizing our lives in a climate of support, Scriptural truth, heart-nourishing music, and the perfect mix of time alone with Jesus and sweet fellowship.”